Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baku to iran: N-cargo seizure Moscow's fault

Azerbaijan says the nuclear shipment from Russia to Iran would be released as soon as Baku gets 'the required documents' from Moscow, PressTV reported.

"We are expecting for the documents of cargo Russia sent to the Iranian Bushehr nuclear power plant," said Khazar Ibrahim, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Monday.

"If Azerbaijan gets due document, it will undertake due steps on the basis of the national legislation and international rules. The information about whom the cargo belong to and where it is supplied, is not complete information about the cargo," said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim voiced confidence that Baku will get complete information about the cargo and this issue will be settled.

He said Russian side should provide due information via its embassy in Azerbaijan, as Azerbaijan appealed to Russia through this embassy.

The comments confirm what Iran's ambassador to Baku Nasser Hamidi-Zare's said on Friday that the blockade was due to a problem with customs procedures, adding that the Russia's state-run Atomstroiexport Corporation as the supplier is responsible for that.

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